Monday, November 12, 2007

Five days and counting...

One week left in my job. Much to do. Two folders that need a bloody good going over; a few handover notes; filing like a sum' bitch. Mostly filing like a sum' bitch.

Just managed to open up my Big Block of Filing up at King's Buildings as I'm covering Reception and KB today.


Ducald Stewart Monument

Best viewed large on black. Really.


Irritated at myself. I forgot about an entire setting on the camera. The macro one. When you're taking close up shots. I'll show you why I'm irritated tomorrow.


Today's photo not by me:

-- from Shot by Scott ("ALPHA MALE":) ) - (?)


Mortgage stuff update, if you're bothered, is that we're waiting for bits of paper with an expectation that they will arrive, and in a timely fashion.

That's no reason not to be stressed about it, though, is it?


Nihil obstat,



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