Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So, the flat...

Most of you should know, but I'm all confused as to who knows what.

Got verbal report of survey and everything's pretty cool. Couple of minor problems and one possible expense. Windows, it seems, weren't installed very well and need replacing. Myself, I'd be tempted to reseal them and see how it goes.

So, basically, all is good and I'm buying a flat.


I know - I should be more jumpy up and down, but this is a big deal and I'm waiting and seeing. Once I have keys in my hand and a mortgage, then I'll celebrate. Perhaps a mini celebration when I get mortgage approved, because at that point, the 'things that could go wrong' pile will sharply diminish. Not that there's any reason to believe mortgage won't go through - it was all pre-approved and my circumstances have, if anything, improved slightly since then.

It's silly, but everything's going so well, I'm half expecting something dreadful to happen. Maybe I should break something - a sacrifice to the karmic gods. Probably doesn't work like that, though.


St John's church, Lothian Road


Nihil obstat,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You only have to worry about the karma-carpet being pulled out from under you if your good fortune is purely due to luck.

When you buy it for £100,000... nah, that one's squarely yours.

11:14 am  
Blogger Chris said...

This is a good point. I like this point.

11:19 am  

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