Tuesday, November 06, 2007

'nother box ticked

I had made the mortgage application. Which can take two frickin' weeks to get a decision on. I thought we lived in a zippity age of communication. But, yes, all agreed in principle so there's no need to worry.

Doesn't mean I won't, of course.

I've had to request a change of exchange date. Only by a week or so, but it's going to take that long to get lender decision, then admin done from Homestake folk. Still. I'll be in by Christmas, all going well. And I've got an appointment for next Tuesday with Homestake to do the bits that require me to be there (mostly ID verification) and then it's just a matter of waiting for the paperwork. During which back-and-forthing I'll be in Birmingham.

Piece of piss, eh? *laughter*



I frickin' love this shot. Click through and view large!


Photos, photos, photos. Gotten into a somewhat bad (good?) habit of spending my evening buggering about with pictures and photoshop. And flickr. These three things together are eating my evenings in vast gulps. I haven't even watched an Angel or Farscape episode since last week. Crazy.

Tonight I intend to model, though. Those 25 different colour of Fimo are crying from lack of attention. I'm on late duty, though, so won't get home until eight. Hope I still have the oomph for it. Well. If not, I'll watch Angel. His son just teleported back from whatever Hell dimension he got taken to. And he's all grown up! (The son, not the Hell dimension.)


Nihil obstat,



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