Friday, November 02, 2007


Yon bit of freelance work I was talking about. It's all approved, got the final text in from my editor. Not up on website yet, but very soon will be. Aaaand, she only wanted to change one word. It seems 'outwith' isn't in common use amongst studenten. Which is fair. Anyhoo - rah! Published, I am.


Definitely excited about the flat now. I've managed to talk myself down from rampant fear of suddenly being denied a mortgage (I'm preapproved from three different lenders), the survey's fine, I've done everything I need to.

And I'm so not scared of karma that I'm...still not able to say anything positive without several superstitious pantomimes. *laughter*

It's all good, people. It's all good.



Weed 1


Realised that when I finish work today there's barely a minute of unscheduled time between then and about 9pm on Sunday. Going to have to try and keep next weekend clear of all commitment otherwise I'll be starting new job before I know it and without having some small time to myself to breathe. Wonder if I could get Mum and Dad out of the house next Saturday - have some 'me' time.


I have twenty four colours of Fimo! TWENTY FOUR!

Podges. Podges as far as the eye can see.

That's a point. I've knocked together a shell for the 'Abandon Podge' website but haven't had time to polish it at all.


Nihil obstat,



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