Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wave back!

Wave back!

Pleased with la Familie Podge Blanc (White Podge Family). For many reasons. One - they're a progression from this guy:


And two, they progressed themselves. Started off with basic body shape, then heads happened by themselves (plasticine does this - it makes itself). They also sexed themselves, by virtue of very small tilts of head, or where they were standing in relation to each other. They also informed me that they, unlike the other podges, needed eyes. I've got photos of the process but not posting them. I'm not done with these guys - they're surprising me and I think I'm learning a lot from them. No, I'm not crazy. I don't think lumps of modelling material are actually speaking.

What I mean is that moving arms, changing the direction they're looking - at each other, away from each other, all that; makes a huge difference to the mood. Which means I'm learning a fair bit about portraiture and group shots without the attendant harassment of working with actual people. Be warned, though, those of you who live near - I'm going to start begging you to let me take your photo. (No, Liz, not you.) I've got a few contacts on Flickr who are regularly coming up with astonishing portraits, just by grabbing a mate and going for a wander.

Another reason I like them is that my Dad laughed at me. In a gentle, pleasant way - with love. But still laughing.

"Wot?" I asked.

"Nothing," says he.

"Wot?" I asked again.

"Oh, nothing. It's just - do you not sometimes worry?" says he, chortling.

"No," says I, quite content with the fact that I'm the kind of guy who spends a chunk of his evening playing with plasticine and taking photos of the results.

Of course, when I showed him these, he asked could I do this? Maybe it's the plasticine...


Work is dull, work is dull. Well. Not that dull. But I wouldn't describe myself as 'engaged', particularly. Awaiting the dreaded feedback on three submissions. Let's see what I've got entirely wrong this time. A lesser person would be doubting themselves by now, you know.

Good job I'm so fan-feckin-tastic, eh?



Gods, I've not been paying attention and now it's half past three.


Nihil obstat,



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