Friday, August 17, 2007

Thank the gods I checked

It is Friday! Hurrah, hurrah. And not much on this weekend at all. Going to see Torchsong Part 2 tomorrow afternoon, but other than that I am free. I might just hang out at home, but the attendant on that is my mother viewing me as an assignable resource. Any weekend day in which I am home is punctuated, at least once an hour by, "Could you just - "

Perhaps I shall tell her she gets a block of time when she can ask for things, other than that I get to have some peace. I know I'm being put up and all that, but still - I'm allowed to have my day off, just like everybody else.

Woman can't sit still, you see. My Gran has a lovely turn of phrase for it - "Ann's got a glass erse - if she sits down it breaks." Mum must also keep at something until it's finished but, strangely, also has the staying power of a stunned herring. Anything her eye falls on that needs doing gets attacked. Plus, I'm battening down hatches against her plans to shred my Dad's pride-and-joy ivy which is growing up the side of the house. Oh - and she wants to destroy the greenhouse, too.

Should be fun.


Lovely walk down to the harbour last night.

Port Seton Harbour

View the whole set.


Everyone cross their fingers, please - waiting for security deposit to clear. Could be today, could be Monday. Which will more or less decide whether or not I'm out and about or at home this weekend. Service has been good since last Friday's debacle, though, so not complaining. Just hoping!


Found a new comic. - it's set in a library and is verra funny.


Nihil obstat,



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