Thursday, September 07, 2006

House Guest and Distant Connections

Good Morrow, fair people.

House guests and distant connections. An internet buddy of mine, Lucel, dropped me an email the other week saying that her nephew was going to be visiting the 'Burgh and would I like to meet him / maybe show him around a little. Being the welcoming chap that I am, I invited him to stay at mine for his first couple of days. He arrived last night, so I got to do my tour guide bit. Always fun.

We went for a hike up Salisbury Crags - stunning in all ways and weathers. We got to the top just as the sun was going down over the Castle. Which was nice. After a quick bite to eat at my place, Sam was keen to go do some more walking, so we went wandering up the Royal Mile. He got a potted history of Mary Queen of Scots and her tempestuous relationship with Queen Elizabeth I, segueing into the Gunpowder Plot, as relating to James I and VI. Well, he did ask. Not that I didn't enjoy it. That smug feeling of superior European history:

"What? Oh, no, darling - we don't even discuss something unless it happened at least five hundred years ago."


Sam was a bit disappointed that he'd entirely missed the Festival. I ran him through the various shows I'd seen (including Black Watch - must see event which my pal Davy Colvin was in *pride*) but told him he'd really missed out on the Cow Parade. I got a bit personally excited about them, as you'll see from the link.

It was very nice to meet and greet Sam. The internet is a great way to connect with new souls and I have true friends from New York, Washington, Spain, Iceland, Atlanta, New Zealand etc and so on. If I ever do meet them in the Big Room, however, it'll be quite a while from now, so it was good to make a vague connection with one of them. In nephew form. He's still about and it's one of life's constants that we only go do the interesting thing our own city offers when we have guests, so I'll keep y'all posted on anything you should go see.
Turning to today, it's a bit bloody miserable. Dreadful weather - I reckon Autum is definitely here. So, to cheer you up should you be suffering from premature SAD, we have the difference between cats and dogs.

Have a good one!


Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. ~Hugh Allen


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