Sunday, August 03, 2008

OK, so considering I've just done the accounts...

...and it's not looking awesome (when is it ever), I'm feeling surprisingly chipper. I really, really, really want to get myself going on the photography and writing; this is what I want my career to be. I love m'job and all that, but creative has always been my goal in life. Ever since small. Not been terribly organised with it - even though I make a great many protestations about it. So, what better spur than finance?

There are competitions to enter. And publishers to submit to. Go to, Reynolds. Go to.



You should click through. Works much better in the large size. Apologies to anyone I just grossed out.


And, to catch up:

Work's decent. Damn hard, but I'm still happy day to day. Long may it continue.

Malcolm's still about, but that's still grand. He fixed the plumbing. Well. Fixed it 'ish'. The original problems are gone, but now there's a new one. There is a plan in place, though, so it's all good one way or the other. Given that the other option was an actual plumber - I don't think I have the strength for anymore DIY with my Dad - bonus, I say.

Very little friend guilt at the moment. I am doing better there. Not seen small Jen in a while (word to ya, small sister), but she's been on holiday. The immediate family are...their usual selves. Quite a lot of guilt about not having visited my Gran more recently.


M'flat remains grand. Absolute nonsense of an electricity bill. Truly horrific (kind of prompted the finance thang) and the worrying thing is, their numbers don't seem to be very out. What I don't get is how the estimates were so wildly out on previous bills when I've had four different meter readings since I moved in.

Ne'er mind. At least I can pay it. We're talking serious 'OUCH!' but one of the multitude of good things about my job is that it gives me daily perspective. I am absolutely certain that I have it not just good, but great.


OK. I'm now off to put all this good cheer to good use and target my first five photo competitions.


Semper superne nitens,



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