Friday, May 09, 2008

Ni hao!

That's 'hello'! (I know at least five words in Mandarin now. *laugh*)

Hanging out at Claudia's school for a couple hours, so on t'internets. Lindsey wanted to observe a class as she's thinking of doing the whole English-teaching thing, only in Moscow. Which is handy as that's somewhere else I've always wanted to go.

Lindsey leaves tomorrow, which is poo. :( I've had a really great time hanging out with her over here. We think a lot alike, which is nice. Makes for easy conversation. Plus, she can quote almost as much of 'The Emperor's New Groove' as I can. Weather's been a bit rain-like the last couple days, but that has concomittantly emptied the streets of the vast crowds that normally range through the place. Lindsey, Mei Na (Claudia's colleague) and I had a really lovely day in Tai Kang Road, which is a really boho sort of place. Some guy bought a big warehouse and converted it into low-rent studios and such for artists. It's now a collection of alleyways filled with lovely little designer shops and galleries. Some great photography and some incredible ceramics. I managed to keep my hand out of my pocket, with the intention of going back. You know you definitely want it if you have to go back and get it.

Renmin Park and MOCA (contemporary art gallery) today. Only in the art gallery for about twenty minutes as we had to get to Claudia's school for Lindsey to observe, so I'm going back. Incredible work, really amazing. If you / I'm lucky, the attendants will be just as inattendant and I might be able to snap a couple of them. God bless the top-side viewfinder. :)

Going out to some reasonably posh gaff this evening. Collection of boutique bars and such. Got seven days left (fly back next Sunday) and I'm starting to wonder if I'm got time to fit everything in. At least one veryvery early start as some of the photography I saw yesterday was of people doing tai chi and such on the riverside, contrasting with incredible effect with the hugeous buildings in Pu Dong, the financial district. Only problem is they do that at 5am. Yeesh. At least I'm only ten minutes walk from the place.

Heading for at least one day trip next week - Hangzhou (the 'zh' is pronounced 'j'). Described as 'the Garden of China' and it's only an hour and a half away on the fast train. Photosphotosphotos.


Semper superne nitens,



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