Monday, June 09, 2008

Achieved my goals, by the way

Yon action plan tasks. Tick, tick, tick. I'm actually ahead of the game as bed has been sold and uplifted. Bonus.


The windows are open. That's definitely summer time. When you can have all of your windows wide open to the breeze.



I was in China - look, there is photographic evidence. Of the 1200+ photos I took in China, about six have me in them. I kept having to explain to people that I know what I look like.


So - action plan tasks.

I dunno. I know damn well and fine that if I state I must do something creative, I damn well shan't. I should plan. Think or something. OK.

Action Plan Task: Chris will decide, by Sunday, which night of the week he will use to pursue writing. He has lots of things he can twiddle away at - nine stories by last count (thank you, Sulya), research for a couple of things that are kicking about, and other such stuff.

So it would be no chore to say "I'll be at my desk for two hours. And that's desk, not internet. On a..."

And that's a reasonable deferment. Think about which night it's going to be for a week. I'd give a client a look for that sort of lameness, but I'd let them away with it.


Shout out to y'all I haven't been speaking with as often as I would like.


Semper superne nitens,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you here, reading this and not at your desk?

Nice pic btw.

8:08 pm  

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