Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's tasty, tasty, very very tasty!

The kool-aid, obviously.


So, how are things with you?


Utterly awesome, thanks for asking.


First - mundanities. The apartment I'm staying in is lovely. If I had a flat this nice I would be a cheerful bunny. Actually, I do have a flat this nice. Way nicer, in fact. :) OK, it's not as slickly decorated, but it's MINE. Yes, that happened while I've been away. Confirmation of mortgage, confirmation of homestake-ness. Officially a home-owner.

Trip down was grand. Easy flight. Very warm plane so I was passed out for the most part. Managed to hook up with my new colleagues by virtue of hearing them say "Work Directions" behind me when I was waiting for my luggage. Quite ignominiously managed to miss my luggage. I really thought it was black. In point of fact, it's navy blue. Twit.

Arrived Sunday night and we piled out for a meal, which was grand. Although such a protracted stay way could be a pain, it's been lovely. A really nice chance to properly bond with the new team. Check me. Using the word 'bond' in cold blood.

Everyone is seriously nice, and a very diverse group. Obviously, there's a certain hint of rose-tinted specs, but I really can't see there ever being any serious personality issues. And there are some really lovely folk I can see being proper pals with.


Segue - it's one of my new colleagues' birthday tomorrow and I'm baking a cake. Only - no scale. Just had a quick look and it's rising at an alarming rate. Outside chance I put too much self-raising in. Ach, well. It's a serviced apartment so if I coat the oven, it's not my problem.

Maybe I should stab it and make it collapse a bit.


The job. Loving it.

Not that I've started the job yet. Two weeks induction and I'm only on the third day. It's been a very good induction so far, though. Very well balanced. Haven't been bored or drifted off even once. Today was especially cool as I got a chance to shadow a working adviser. There's a fair bit of that built into my schedule and my 'buddy' is a very cool chap. To the point, but super smiley and friendly. Plus, he let me sit in the Big Boy chair and sort out someone's CV. Happily so. One of the few things I actually got decent experience in at the Uni job, so all to the good.


Little bit of good news (even more!) - I won a photo contest:

Lomo'd Grace

The prize is mere kudos, but hey - who can't use that?


I really am starting to worry about that cake. It's starting to look like something from a sci-fi film.


Nihil obstat,



Blogger Sue said...

Nice to know that the cake is your only problem these days. Good news about the new job and the flat - couldn't happen to a more deserving person. I’m really pleased for you, Chris.

11:31 pm  

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