Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Schedules and Such

Last night was Wicked Good. I've shifted from going to my Mum and Dad's house for tea every week to once every two weeks. And look - I actually achieved with my evening!

I think it might be Monday rather than every week that's inhibiting, though. I often get stuff done over the weekend and then want to continue on Monday night, but have to go out to the folks. (Have to! It's not like it's a chore, getting fed my dinner and drinking their red wine.) Quite often it's that I've cleaned flat on a Sunday and it's a pleasant place to work in Monday night.

Witter witter witter, but basically I'm thinking if I shift dinner to Tuesday, I can still get fed each week. :)



Theatre tonight. Carthage Must Be Destroyed at the Traverse, which I have been looking forward to for about a month. I'm promised pretty boys and sweeping dramatic grandeur. Was supposed to be going with Mum, but it seems she's not well. Going down the list of pals to see who wants to come.



Still not learned any lines! (Not doing myself any favours here as Jen read this. El Direktor!)

Tonight, going through Scene 3. Yes, before going to watch theatre. It doesn't start until eight.



London trip mostly sorted. Nice people *waves to those concerned* are putting me up for a looong weekend, between them. Work are paying for train fare (getting the ten to six to King's Cross - that's AM - egad!) and what I really want to do in the Big Smoke is hit some galleries and museums, what are free anyway, so should work out not too expensive. (Maybe not once a night of as-promised debauchery in Soho is factored in, but hey ho!)


Stick in,



Blogger Sue said...

I can’t help but notice that ’learning lines’ never quite makes it to the top of your ‘to do list’ even though it gets a regular mention in the blog.

3:06 pm  

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