Friday, May 18, 2007

Once more with feeling

Ah, yes. I realise blog has been somewhat of the lame this week what with one thing and another. So, we return. With more, greater and bigger chat. (Especially the bigger part - this requires only a change in font size!)

Well. Maybe not, eh?


Been there. Done that.

Really must have a look at WOW sometime. Everyone creams themselves over it. And, speaking of games, we have a worry. I'm told that the game of Spiderman 3 is crappy. This must not be so! I'm not the type to slavishly follow reviews, but these are the Penny Arcade fellas. I know just how much they love the Spidey. Even as much as me. So, for him to say the new game sucks. It almost kind of must do.


Still going to try it, obviously. But I'm wary. So very wary.



Aaaand, it's the weekend. Hurrah.

Weekend before payday. Boo!

Ah, s'not so bad. There is food, there is booze, there is the preferred 500ml bottles of fizz to mix with booze. Bro is down from Aberdeen with Paula and Evie, so there is enjoyable things to do. I believe we're going to International Starters.


The mirror, bane of my feckin' life, remains not on the wall. Which means the blackboards remain behind it, blank and unused. There are no declensions. There are no crazy thoughts. There are no mind maps.

All is a blank wasteland.

OK, that's an exaggeration. Wonder who I can blackmail, beg or bully round this weekend to help me with the mirror. Ooh - two birds and one stone. I'll invite bro round to see new pad and, "...incidentally, Tom, while you're here..."


This weekend. Hmmm. What to do with my time. It's supposed to be of the ming weather-wise, so I think some indoor sports are in order.

And by sports, I mean Spiderman 3 on the PS2. Obviously.

Perhaps some bedsports. You know, if I get lucky that way.


Stick in,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh! Where's the pretty place with the theatre/stable/roundhouse thingy on it?

11:45 am  
Blogger Chris said...

That there is the club house for golf course that sits in the dip north of Arthur's Seat. I could find its proper name for you, but...

11:49 am  

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